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Hey Everyone!

It’s been a while, hasn’t it?  I kinda fell of the goal wagon due to opening a new store and starting up Maynia, so my goal in July (since June is well under way and I really haven’t put much thought into things) is to get back on track with goals and things.

I really need to get organized.  I have floss and patterns and fabric and whoosits and whatsits galore all over my room.  It literally looks like my cross stitch stash threw up all over it…and it kind of did.

But that is not the purpose of this post.  No, the purpose of this post is to talk about one of my “New” WIPS.

As many of you who watch on Flosstube know, I have both the “Once Upon a Time” sampler and “Story Time” Sampler from The Frosted Pumpkin.  As you will also know, I have had my fair share of frustrations with fabric, floss and everything in between.  I really loved both of them, but both have so far had sections I really didn’t like or have much interest in stitching, and got stymied on.

I had decided that I was going to re-start both on different fabrics, and so I went to my LNS and bought some 40 count, one in an Ivory color for Story Time, and then Doubloon from PTP for OUAT. (This is what it was actually charted on originally). I also decided I was going to use GAST for the majority of each project.

So, I was having a discussion with Angie one night and it she suggested the idea of making a hybrid of the two.  And I went “OMG YES.”  And that’s when the wheels started to turn.

So, my first item of business was re-charting the first square, Snow White.  Which I did. It went under about 20 changes from when I first started it to what I finished with, but the end result, I am very pleased with.

Because this is such a departure from the original chart, I will only offer pictures here, as I do not wish to risk any sort of copyright attacks.  The most I will say on Snow White (in case someone wants to use the technique) is that I used “thread painting” or “long and short stitches” to create the thatched roof effect.

Photo Jun 09, 7 09 06 PM Photo Jun 09, 7 09 12 PM Photo Jun 09, 7 09 17 PM