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Something Wicked Mystery Sampler

Something Wicked Mystery Sampler

Project: Something Wicked Mystery Sampler
Company: SamSarah
Date: 2014
Fabric: 32ct. Zweigart Belfast Petit Point Linen in Natural with Brown Dots
Floss used: Weeks Dye Works
Approximate time: 2 months (Began in August, finished October 17, 2014)

This was my actual first project on Linen, although not completed first. It was my second Mystery Sampler and so far. I opted to not stitch the specialty stitches at the end because they didn’t look right to me.

I did get off on my counting somewhere with the owl, so he’s a lot taller than he’s supposed to be.  I had a similar issue with the pumpkins although there I don’t really remember what happened.

The buttons are from Just Another Button Company, I believe.  I did shift the buttons a little bit because, due to complete happenstance, the ‘i’ in “Something” was centered just so that the dot was basically in the middle of one of the brown dots, so I used one of the red star buttons to dot the ‘i’.